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In the Media

I regularly use my research expertise to contribute to public discussions related to LGBTQ politics and religion, especially in the context of public policy. For additional information, you can view my Scholars Strategy Network profile.


Below are some recent examples of my public scholarship including articles published in major news outlets, research summaries written for public consumption, and comments for news stories. Use the email address, social media tab, or form on the homepage to contact me for comment.

Public Scholarship

Making academic scholarship accessible to the general public is an important part of academia. As a Political Scientist with expertise in LGBTQ and religious politics and public policy, it is important to me that public discussions about LGBTQ people center their experiences. Additionally, because LGBTQ people and religious people are often framed as mutually-exclusive groups in public discussions, I view my work as especially useful for bridging divides that often are the source of negative public policy.



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